Linda Ma
Walking with Women
Women's Circle
Monthly support circle for all women, maidens, mothers and crone.
Service Description
Women's Circle A meeting to connect with women in our community. All real women welcome, maidens, mothers and crones. This is a space to speak, share and be heard. To support, nurture, nourish each other. The ancient tradition of gathering as women is beyond special and sacred. Talking story about what is happening in our lives helps us remember who we are and what we stand for. This is a time to brag about the wins and vent about the issues in our life in a safe container, through sharing and heartful listening. Revealing insight and intuition. Helping us feel grounded in our wisdom and help us feel connected to the Great Spirit. Magic happens when women gather.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Contact Details
+ 0423743903
Karangi NSW, Australia